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更新時(shí)間:2020-06-04      點(diǎn)擊次數(shù):849

Recent Developments on Resolution and Applicability of Capillary Hydrodynamic Fractionation (CHDF)


J. Gabriel DosRamos,

Matec Applied Sciences, 56 Hudson St., Northborough, MA 01532 USA



Capillary Hydrodynamic Fractionation (CHDF) is a high-resolution particle size distribution (PSD) analysis technique. CHDF is used to measure the PSD of colloids in the particle size range of 5 nm to 3 microns.

CHDF fractionation occurs as an eluant or carrier fluid carries the particles downstream in a capillary tube. Large particles exit the fractionation capillary ahead of smaller particles. Particle fractionation occurs because of the combination of the eluant parabolic velocity profile (laminar flow), size exclusion of the particles at the capillary wall, and colloidal forces.

The aim of this study was to expand CHDF’s applicability to a broader class of colloidal systems. This can widen CHDF’s usefulness as a particle sizing technique.

毛細(xì)管流體分離(CHDF)技術(shù)是一種高分辨的粒度分布(PSD)檢測(cè)技術(shù)。毛細(xì)管流體分離技術(shù)(CHDF)用于測(cè)量粒徑在5nm-3μm 范圍內(nèi)膠體的粒度分布(PSD)。





Particle sizing techniques can be grouped into High-Resolution (Fractionation) and Ensemble techniques (1). High-Resolution (HR) techniques are characterized by the fact that particles are fractionated according to size and/or mass during particle size analysis. Ensemble techniques perform measurements on all particles simultaneously without physical separation. HR particle size analyzers include Capillary Hydrodynamic Fractionation (CHDF), Field-Flow Fractionation, Single-Particle Counting, and Disc Centrifugation. Ensemble techniques include Laser Diffraction, Photon-Correlation Spectroscopy (PCS), acoustic-attenuation spectroscopy, and Turbidimetry. Electron Microscopy is in a class by itself as it offers high resolution but particles are not fractionated during analysis.



1. 場(chǎng)流分離(Field flow fractionation—FFF)為適用于大分子、膠體和微粒的分離技術(shù),使欲分離成分之流液流經(jīng)上下平板構(gòu)成扁平帶狀通道,并將一場(chǎng)垂直施加于通道。場(chǎng)將導(dǎo)致不同成分處在距下壁不同的位置上,移動(dòng)速度因而不同,以達(dá)到分離的目的。 場(chǎng)流分離,可將“流”通過不對(duì)稱場(chǎng)如電場(chǎng),重力場(chǎng),熱場(chǎng)或半透膜。

該技術(shù)基本原理是大分子流過扁平通道,同時(shí)受到水平(channel flow)和垂直方向(cross flow)的流場(chǎng)作用;尺寸相對(duì)小的分子,受垂直方向的作用力較小,而向扁平通道中心平移擴(kuò)散;而尺寸相對(duì)較大的分子,受垂直方向的作用力較大而更靠近聚集壁(accumulated wall)。從而在垂直方向形成尺寸(size)梯度。而流體在扁平通道內(nèi),越靠近中心,流速越快,而越靠近邊緣,流速越均勻和越緩慢。因此,尺寸相對(duì)較小的組分先被后端檢測(cè)器檢測(cè)到;而較大尺寸的組分隨后被檢測(cè)。

2. Disc Centrifugation圓盤離心沉降法的原理是重力或者離心力使得懸浮在樣品轉(zhuǎn)盤腔內(nèi)的顆??梢援a(chǎn)生沉降或離心運(yùn)動(dòng)。大顆粒運(yùn)動(dòng)較快,小顆粒運(yùn)動(dòng)較慢,隨著時(shí)間的增加,大小顆粒自然分級(jí)并依次通過靠近轉(zhuǎn)盤腔底內(nèi)部的檢測(cè)器,因而具有高的分辯率。

HR techniques offer a strong advantage in that they produce true particle size distribution (PSD) data. HR-based devices can in principle detect the presence of multiple particle size populations without making significant assumptions. On the other hand, HR devices tend to be more complicated to operate than ensemble instruments. Ensemble instruments produce mainly mean particle size and standard deviation data. Any mean particle size value can be produced by an infinite number of PSD curves. This ill-conditioned problem, along with the fact that calculated PSD’s vary significantly with minor noise in the raw data, force most ensemble devices to assume a priori the shape of the PSD (2). Despite these issues, ensemble devices are much more widely used than HR instruments. The two main reasons seem to be the following. Ensemble instruments are easier to use, and are more widely applicable to different types of dispersion/colloidal samples.


Figure 1- Particle size-based fractionation in CHDF.

圖1. CHDF的顆粒分離示意圖

Figure 1 describes the particle size-based fractionation process in CHDF. Larger particles exit the fractionation open capillary ahead of smaller ones (3). A UV detector is typically used as a particle-concentration detector. Such particle fractionation occurs because of a particle-size exclusion effect, plus colloidal forces affecting the particle motion. The latter consist mainly of particle/capillary electric double layer repulsion, and a lift force exerted by the moving fluid on the particles (4).


Figure 2. Two different samples analyzed by CHDF. Both have the same Volume-average (mean) particle size of 226 nm even though the PSD’s are different.



Figure 2 shows CHDF2000 PSD data from two different polystyrene samples with the same volume-average mean particle size value of 226 nm even though their PSD’s are noticeably different. This data exemplifies the risks of relying exclusively on mean particle size data. These samples will behave differently despite their identical mean particle size.

圖2顯示了兩種不同的聚苯乙烯樣品的CHDF2000 PSD測(cè)試數(shù)據(jù),即使他們具有相同的體積平均粒徑值226 nm,但是它們的PSD值有明顯的不同。這些數(shù)據(jù)說明了*依賴平均粒徑數(shù)據(jù)的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)。盡管這些樣品的平均粒徑相同,但它們的PSD分布卻不同。

It is in principle possible for a sample with a 226 nm mean particle size not to contain any 226 nm particles. This constitutes another disadvantage of relying on mean particle size data alone.

對(duì)于平均粒徑為226 nm的樣品,實(shí)際上卻可以并不包含任何226 nm的顆粒。這構(gòu)成了僅依賴平均粒徑數(shù)據(jù)的另一個(gè)缺點(diǎn)。

This paper describes efforts to expand the applicability of CHDF to different types of dispersed systems, including expanding its particle size analysis range. Also, a process on-line CHDF setup with automated sample dilution is presented.




CHDF measurements were performed using a commercial CHDF2000 high resolution particle size analyzer from MassApplied Sciences, Northborough, MA (5). Various colloidal samples were used. Polystyrene samples were obtained from Duke Scientific (Indianapolis, IN), and Seradyn (Indianapolis,

高分辨率的毛細(xì)管流體分離(CHDF)粒度測(cè)量技術(shù),是由位于美國(guó)-馬薩諸塞州MassApplied Science(MAS)公司研發(fā)和生產(chǎn)的《5》。并測(cè)試了不同的膠體樣品。聚苯乙烯粒子樣品來自于Duke和Seradyn (Indianapolis, IN)。

Nanoparticle Size Analysis:


Small particles, especially under 50 nm, are becoming more widely manufactured and employed in various intermediate and final colloidal products. Accurate particle size analysis of these small particles is essential. Small particles offer a large total surface area. Secondary smaller particle size populations can be unexpectedly present in any dispersion. Such smaller particles can sharply influence the performance of any dispersion. Additionally, a small number of larger particles can posse difficulties, e.g., larger particles in inkjet printing inks can plug ink conduits in today’s inkjet printers.


Particle sizing of nanoparticles is difficult for most particle sizing techniques. Because of refractive index issues, as well as the fact that larger particles mask smaller particles, ensemble-type measurements such as Laser Diffraction and Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (PCS) have difficulty analyzing such nanoparticles. High-resolution devices such as disc centrifuges are also limited due to the lack of tendency of nanoparticles to sediment, even under strong centrifugal fields.


Figure 3. Effects of capillary inner diameter and eluant ionic strength and average velocity on CHDF resolution and particle size fractionation range.



Fig. 3 illustrates the effects of capillary ID, eluant average velocity, and eluant ionic strength on the resolution and particle-size fractionation range. As the capillary ID increases, so does the sample volume in the capillary. This increase in sample volume is due to the fact that the waste/fractionation split ratio changes (6), i.e. more sample flows into the fractionation capillary relative to the “waste” stream. Such increase in fractionated-sample volume results in stronger particle detection in the CHDF particle-concentration detector, usually a UV detector.


Conversely, fractionation resolution increases as the capillary ID is reduced (7). This is due to several compounding factors as follows: (i) the particle exclusion layer is larger relative to the capillary ID, (ii) the lift force is stronger, and (iii) the particle fractograms are narrower due to lower axial dispersion.


The upper particle size limit decreases with decreasing capillary ID. Physically, larger particles can flow in a larger-ID fractionation capillary; also, the lift force is lower for larger-ID capillaries; this allows fractionation among larger particles.


The eluant average velocity also plays a role on the resolution and particle size range. As the eluant average velocity in increased, large-particle size fractograms become narrower. This Fractogram narrowing is due to the increase in lift force strength which forces larger particles to travel closer together. As the lift force increases, the upper particle size fractionation limit decreases similarly to reducing the capillary ID (8).


Suitable capillary ID and length, plus the eluant ionic strength and mean velocity can be combined to produce high resolution PSD data as shown in figures 4 and 5. Data is shown for the fractionation of eight particle size populations in less than 10 minutes.


Figure 4. CHDF fractionation UV-detector raw data for a blend of 8 polystyrene calibration standards.


Figure 5. CHDF PSD data for an 8-mode polystyrene blend.

圖5-8種聚苯乙烯共混物的CHDF PSD數(shù)據(jù)。

This blend is composed of (from left to right on the raw-data graph) 800, 605, 420, 310, 240, 150, 60, and 20 nm. The peak separation on the raw data graph can be enhanced further by simply lengthening the fractionation time. The raw data peaks appear more overlapped than on the PSD. The reason is that a deconvolution procedure has been applied in the PSD computations (9). The deconvolution computations are similar to those used in Gel Permeation Chromatography for incorporating into the PSD computations axial dispersion of particles during capillary flow. Axial dispersion broadens the Fractogram width.



1. Deconvolution反卷積算法:

在數(shù)學(xué)中,反卷積是一種基于算法的過程,用于反轉(zhuǎn)卷積對(duì)記錄數(shù)據(jù)的影響。 反卷積的概念廣泛用于信號(hào)處理和圖像處理技術(shù)。 由于這些技術(shù)反過來在許多科學(xué)和工程學(xué)科中廣泛使用,因此反卷積可以應(yīng)用到許多領(lǐng)域。反卷積是信號(hào)處理中一類基本問題,廣泛應(yīng)用于信道均衡、圖像恢復(fù)、語音識(shí)別、地震學(xué)、無損探傷等領(lǐng)域,也可應(yīng)用于未知輸入估計(jì)和故障辨識(shí)問題。

褶積(又名卷積)和反褶積(又名去卷積)是一種積分變換的數(shù)學(xué)方法,在許多方面得到了廣泛應(yīng)用。在泛函分析中,卷積、旋積或摺積(英語:Convolution)是通過兩個(gè)函數(shù)f 和g 生成第三個(gè)函數(shù)的一種數(shù)學(xué)算子,表征函數(shù)f 與g經(jīng)過翻轉(zhuǎn)和平移的重疊部分函數(shù)值乘積對(duì)重疊長(zhǎng)度的積分。

2. Gel Permeation Chromatography凝膠滲透色譜法:

凝膠滲透色譜(Gel Permeation Chromatography、GPC)是1964年,由J.C.Moore首先研究成功。不僅可用于小分子物質(zhì)的分離和鑒定,而且可以用來分析化學(xué)性質(zhì)相同分子體積不同的高分子同系物。(聚合物在分離柱上按分子流體力學(xué)體積大小被分離開)。

CHDF offers a useful alternative for nanoparticle analysis due to the fact that larger particles do not mask the presence of small particles, as well as, nanoparticle analysis is as easy and accurate as for larger particles. However, CHDF also faces difficulties in analyzing particles smaller than 20 nm. These particles are difficult to quantify in the presence of larger particles due to large differences in UV-light extinction cross section (10). These difficulties are shown in the well-known Beer-Lambert’s law equation as follows:

D.O. = N Rext χ [1]

Where D.O. is the UV-detector output, N is the number of particles per unit volume, Rext is the particle extinction cross section, and χ is the UV-detector flow-cell path length. Equation [1] allows the calculation of N for each individual slice of particles exiting the CHDF fractionation capillary. N computations are susceptible to minor noise in D.O. when a sample contains particles under 20 nm along with larger particles, e.g. particles over 500 nm.


D.O. = N Rext χ [1]

這里D.O.是紫外線探測(cè)器輸出,N是單位體積的粒子數(shù),Rext是粒子消光界面,χ是紫外檢測(cè)器流動(dòng)池路徑長(zhǎng)度。方程允許計(jì)算出毛細(xì)管流體分離(CHDF)細(xì)管中每一片顆粒的N。當(dāng)樣品含有小于20nm的粒子和較大的粒子(例如大于500nm的粒子)時(shí), N的計(jì)算容易D.O.中微小噪聲的影響。

Figure 6. Extinction cross section for polystyrene particles in water. Curve generated from Mie theory computations.


Figure 6 shows an extinction cross section curve for polystyrene particles in water. This curve was generated from Mie-theory computations built into the operating software on the commercial CHDF2000 device.


Figure 6 shows that there are several orders of magnitude between the Rext of particles smaller than 20 nm and those larger than 500 nm. Consequently, small D.O. errors become largely amplified in the computation of N.


Figure 7. CHDF UV-detector raw data output for a 5-nm nominal particle size silica.

圖7- CHDF紫外檢測(cè)器得到的5nm二氧化硅粒子的原始輸出數(shù)據(jù)。

Figure 8. CHDF PSD for a 5-nm nominal particle size silica sample.

圖8- CHDF得到的5nm二氧化硅粒子的粒度分布圖。

Despite the challenges described above, the CHDF2000 device was able to accurately perform particle sizing measurements of silica particles under 20 nm as shown in Figures 7 and 8.


The accurate measurement of these small particles was achieved by maximizing resolution and particle-detection sensitivity. This required optimizing the combination of suitable capillary diameter and length, and eluant ionic strength and average velocity.


The CHDF raw data in figure 7 shows two main peaks located at 8.5 and 8.7 minutes. The peak at 8.7 minutes is believed to originate from UV-absorbing molecules in the sample such as surfactants, electrolytes, and acid or base molecules (11). These molecules exit the capillary last because their particle size is smaller than that of the silica particles. The molecular peak does not appear in the PSD graph of figure 8 because its particle size is below the low computational limit of 1 nm.


Figure 8 presents the PSD for this silica sample. A lognormal PSD shape is obtained ranging from 1 nm to 30 nm. The mode is located at 4 nm.


In order to achieve the maximum resolution required for these small particles (7)a low ionic strength (0.1 mM) carrier fluid was used in conjunction with a 5-micron ID fused silica capillary.

為了獲得檢測(cè)這些小顆粒所需的大分辨率《7》,低離子強(qiáng)度(0.1 mM)載體流體與5μm管徑熔融石英毛細(xì)管一起使用。

CHDF Particle Size Analysis of Micron-Sized Particles:


CHDF has been commonly used for analysis of particles below 1 micron in size. As mentioned above, larger particles are typically subject to a “Lift Force” in the fractionation capillary. The lift force pushes larger particles toward the center of the capillary. The Lift force is proportional to the ratio of particle to capillary radii, and to the eluant average velocity. Thus, lowering the eluant average velocity along with using larger-ID fractionation capillaries reduce the lift force and extend the CHDF particle size upper limit.


Figure 9. CHDF UV-detector raw data output for a blend of 5μm, 1μm, and 0.1μm polystyrene latex standards. Sodium benzoate “marker” is injected about 1 minute after the blend.

圖9- 5,1, 0.1μm三種混合體系的CHDF UV檢測(cè)器原始數(shù)據(jù)圖。


Fig. 9 shows CHDF UV-detector vs. time fractionation data for a blend of 5, 1, and 0.1-micron polystyrene standards. The marker is injected about one minute after the blend. This data shows that CHDF fractionation is indeed able to fractionate particles larger than one micron. However, it is desirable to increase the fractionation resolution further in order to enhance particle size analysis capability for these larger particles. Further work is in progress.

圖9顯示了5μm、1μm和0.1μm聚苯乙烯標(biāo)準(zhǔn)混合物的CHDF UV檢測(cè)器輸出數(shù)據(jù)與時(shí)間關(guān)系的原始數(shù)據(jù)。苯甲酸鈉“標(biāo)記物”大約在混合后一分鐘注射。這些數(shù)據(jù)表明,毛細(xì)管流體分離(CHDF)技術(shù)確實(shí)能夠分餾大于1μm的顆粒。然而,為了提高這些較大顆粒的粒度分析能力,我們希望進(jìn)一步提高分餾分辨率。進(jìn)一步的工作正在進(jìn)行中。

On-Line Development


Today, there is a lack of (process) in-line, at-line, or on-line particle size analyzers suitable for analysis of liquid dispersions. Process particle sizers can become a vital component of slurry / dispersion / latex / emulsion production. Such analyzers can provide labor savings, as well as ensure product quality. Process particle sizers must be highly accurate, reproducible, precise, and reliable (12).



1. in-line/at-line/on-line的區(qū)別:

in line可對(duì)應(yīng)為在線,樣品在生產(chǎn)線上,檢測(cè)裝置也在生產(chǎn)線上,樣品檢測(cè)不影響工藝流;on line可對(duì)應(yīng)為隨線,檢測(cè)裝置在生產(chǎn)線上,樣品從生產(chǎn)線的工藝流中轉(zhuǎn)到檢測(cè)裝置中完成檢驗(yàn);at line可對(duì)應(yīng)近線,首先樣品肯定是離線的,從生產(chǎn)線取出,在靠近生產(chǎn)線的地方檢測(cè)。


At line: Measurement where the sample is removed, isolated from, and analyzed in close proximity to the process stream. At line樣品從工藝流中移除、隔開,并且在靠近工藝流的地方分析的檢測(cè)。

On line: Measurement where the sample is diverted from the manufacturing process and not returned to the process stream. On line檢測(cè)樣品從生產(chǎn)工藝中轉(zhuǎn)移出來并不返回工藝流中。

In line: Measurement where the sample is analyzed within the process stream and not removed from it.In line樣品在工藝流中進(jìn)行檢測(cè)并不從中移除。

Figure 10. On-line CHDF setup equipped with sample auto-dilution.


Fig. 10 shows a schematic diagram of an on-line CHDF device. The CHDF2000 unit used here is identical to the off-line device available commercially (Matec Applied Sciences, Northborough, MA). With the off-line device, samples are injected into the fractionation capillary using either an on-board manual HPLC type injection valve or an HPLC auto-sampler. In the on-line setup, the sample flows directly from the process into an automated injection valve. The automated injection valve is actuated by the CHDF2000 on-line software in order to make sample injections every 5-10 minutes.

圖10為在線CHDF裝置的原理圖。這里使用的組件單元與美國(guó)MAS市售的脫機(jī)設(shè)備CHDF2000*相同(Mass Applied Sciences, 馬薩諸塞州, MA)。通過脫機(jī)裝置,樣品可通過車載手動(dòng)高效液相色譜注射閥或高效液相色譜自動(dòng)進(jìn)樣器注入分餾毛細(xì)管。在在線設(shè)置中,樣品直接從產(chǎn)線流向一個(gè)自動(dòng)注入閥。自動(dòng)進(jìn)樣閥由CHDF2000在線軟件驅(qū)動(dòng),每5-10分鐘進(jìn)樣一次。

This particular arrangement has been used with a batch-polymerization reactor. This on-line device can also be used with continuous or semi-continuous reactors, as well as steady-state slurry streams.


The percent solids level of a batch polymerization reactor starts at zero and increases with time (13). The on-line CHDF setup must be able to handle this constant increase (CHDF analysis is typically performed in the weight-percent solids range of 0.1 to 5%). The analysis process is as follows:


A “drip” line connected to the reactor system takes a steady stream of sample through the remotely-actuated (HPLC) injection valve. The sample is diluted as needed at point D. The injection valve automatically takes samples from the drip line and performs sample injections into the CHDF fractionation capillary every few minutes. CHDF eluant continuously flows through the injection valve in order to carry the samples into the fractionation capillary. The dilution valve sets the diluent vent (Y)/dilution (D) split ratio.

連接到反應(yīng)器系統(tǒng)的“滴水”管線通過遠(yuǎn)程驅(qū)動(dòng)(HPLC)注射閥獲取穩(wěn)定的樣品流。樣品按需要在D點(diǎn)稀釋。注入閥自動(dòng)從滴管中抽取樣品,每隔幾分鐘將樣品注入CHDF分離毛細(xì)管。CHDF洗脫液通過注入閥連續(xù)流動(dòng),將樣品帶入分離毛細(xì)管。稀釋閥設(shè)置稀釋液排出(Y)/ 稀釋液(D)分流比。

In order to eliminate the need for a diluent pump, the effluent (E) from the CHDF is used as diluent. E is split at the dilution valve into a vented (Y), and a diluent (DFR) portion.


Valves T1 and T2 allow the use of an HPLC auto-sampler for calibration standard analysis. The operator can thus perform periodic performance tests of the on-line CHDF setup.


The CHDF software calculates the area under each Fractogram. The dilution level is calculated by comparing the current Fractogram area to a pre-established suitable area value as follows:

DFR = C*PA/FA [2]


DFR = C*PA/FA [2]

Where DFR is the diluent flow rate, C is a constant, PA is the pre-established (acceptable) Fractogram area, and FA is the sample fractogram area. DFR is set by sending a 0-5 volt signal to the dilution valve. As DFR increases, the vented (Y) eluant flow rate decreases.


PSD data files are saved to a network location. A Honeywell PlantScape process control system reads the PSD data and performs process control steps such as valve opening/closing and reactor temperature adjustment.


Figures 11 and 12 show polyvinyl acetate CHDF data collected from an on-line device connected to a batch reactor.


Figure 11. On-line CHDF UV-detector output for a PVA latex from a batch reactor.


Figure 12. On-line CHDF PSD data for PVA latex from a batch reactor.

圖12- 聚乙烯醇乳膠在一批反應(yīng)器在線CHDF PSD檢測(cè)器輸出數(shù)據(jù)



CHDF particle size fractionation can be used for high-resolution particle size analysis of dispersions in the particle size range of 2 nm to 5 microns. A process on-line particle sizer has been implemented based on CHDF fractionation. This on-line device is capable of performing automatic sample dilution, and interfacing with a Honeywell Plant Control system.

毛細(xì)管流體分離(CHDF)粒度分離技術(shù)可用于2nm~ 5μm范圍內(nèi)的分散體的高分辨率粒度分析。在毛細(xì)管流體分離(CHDF)的基礎(chǔ)上,實(shí)現(xiàn)了一種工藝在線粒度儀。該在線裝置能夠自動(dòng)稀釋樣品,并與霍尼韋爾工廠控制系統(tǒng)接口。


The author would like to thank Dr. Tim Crowley for sharing some of the CHDF on-line data presented here.

作者要感謝Tim Crowley博士與我們分享CHDF在線數(shù)據(jù)。



1. Barth, H. G., and Flippen, R. B., Anal. Chem., 67, 257R-272R, 1995.

2. Weiner, B. B., and Tscharnuter, W. W., in Particle Size Distribution:Assessment and Characterization, ACS Symp. Series 332, p. 48, 1987.

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