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發(fā)布時間:2021/7/6      點擊次數(shù):1098



Zeta potential is an electrostatic potential that exists very near the surface of particles suspended in liquids1. Zeta potential (ζ) is responsible for particle-particle repulsion forces in colloidal suspensions and thus can be used to predict colloid stability against particle aggregation. Figure 1 illustrates a particle suspended in a liquid along with various notional regions around it.  The“slipping plane” or “shear plane” is where Zeta potential is located versus the potential in the bulk solution. Within this slipping plane, the liquid is bound to the particle while it moves freely outside this boundary. The net potential far from the particle (in the bulk of the liquid) is zero.




Figure 1. A negatively charged particle suspended in a liquid. Notional boundaries are shown.



由于分散粒子表面帶有電荷而吸引周圍的反號離子,這些反號離子在兩相界面呈擴散狀態(tài)分布而形成擴散雙電層。根據(jù)Stern雙電層理論可將雙電層分為兩部分,即Stern層和擴散層。Stern層定義為吸附在電極表面的一層離子(IHP or OHP)電荷中心組成的一個平面層,此平面層相對遠離界面的流體中的某點的電位稱為Stern電位。穩(wěn)定層(Stationary layer) (包括Stern層和滑動面slipping plane以內的部分擴散層) 與擴散層內分散介質(dispersion medium)發(fā)生相對移動時的界面是滑動面(slipping plane),該處對遠離界面的流體中的某點的電位稱為Zeta電位或電動電位(ζ-電位)。



In aqueous media, Zeta potential is typically generated as the ions on the particle surface dissociate, leaving a net electric charge near the surface surrounded by a cloud of counter-ions. Various types of ions can diffuse in and out through the slipping plane which allows Zeta potential to vary depending on the ion composition in the liquid such as pH. Ions may also participate in chemical reactions within the slipping plane which can affect the Zeta potential. Sample dilution can significantly shift the Zeta potential as ions may adsorb or desorb from the particle. Thus, Zeta potential can be positive or negative, or zero (Iso-Electric Point, IEP) depending on the liquid (solvent) pH or ion type and concentration.



Particle-filtration systems may benefit from low Zeta potential levels as aggregated particles are easier to remove. Most other colloidal systems require higher Zeta potentials, e.g. over +/- 20 millivolts in order to maximize shell life. Coatings tend to be more efficient when the particles and coated surface have opposite polarities. Zeta potential normally cannot be directly measured. For example, one cannot place a voltmeter probe against a particle surface in order to measure its surface potential. Instead, Zeta potential is calculated from electrophoretic measurements which measure particle velocity under an applied electric field, i.e. make the particles move and measure their particle mobility (see www.matec。。com/mas). Thus, the calculated Zeta potential depends on the theory used in these computations to relate particle mobility to Zeta potential. An alternative measurement for large particles or surfaces is to move the liquid against stationary particles, fibers, or surfaces and measure the resulting streaming potential。

顆粒過濾系統(tǒng)可能受益于較低的Zeta電位水平,因為聚集顆粒更容易去除。大多數(shù)其他膠體系統(tǒng)需要較高的Zeta電位,例如超過+/- 20毫伏,以大限度地提高殼體壽命。當顆粒和涂層表面具有相反的極性時,涂層往往更有效。Zeta電位通常不能直接測量。例如,不能將伏特計探頭靠在粒子表面上以測量其表面電位。相反,Zeta電位是通過電泳測量來計算的,電泳測量是在外加電場下測量粒子速度,也就是通過粒子移動并測量其粒子遷移率(見www.yh-tek。。com/mas)。因此,計算出的Zeta電位取決于這些計算中使用的理論,即粒子遷移率與Zeta電位的關系。另一種測量大顆?;虮砻骐娢坏姆椒ㄊ菍⒁后w移到靜止的顆粒、纖維或表面上,然后測量產生的流動電位。

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